a friend of mine was looking for a splity.
The "must have" are as follow: Stock hight, good condition - diveable, it should be a camper or a 11 window bus.
During our seach we found a nice looking EZ-Camper at the east cost in England.....

The trip starts friday morning at the Baden Ariport - a Ryanair flight to London

Via Lodon Kings Cross we took the train for a 3-hours ride up to the north-east....

the friendly seller picked us up at the train station an 10 minutes later we checked the the Bus an used it for a longer testdrive.....
all was fine, the condition was ok, so .... deal!

So we start our journey back to the south in this vintage veedub......

was realy great drove down the small roads in this classic

ohhh baracuda..... at a small workshop we saw those ratty slammed 56 panel with was for sale a while ago in the Nederlands. think many of you saw it at thesamba our other online marketplaces for sale.

after a 210 km trip we arrived at Burwell at the T2D`s "Chilli Night"

Nice projects in the workshop....

sorry for the bad quality of the pics.... was late and only a mobile phone cam....

unfortunaltly we were a litte late so the we missed some nice cars but maybee 30-40 are still there

the well known T2D -T2B

a pretty nice panel an a realy nice couple who owns it - was a peasure to meet you

Thanks to Paul for the Award!!!!

34 + Bus

Workshop fully loaded
was a cool nice evening, thanks to all

Saturday 5 a.m. at the hotel we start our trip down to Dover

Dover we are comming

check in at the ferrie

Campers - new ones and a nice one!!

relax at the Road Kings Lounge

bye England

During the German soccer team beat Argentina we crossing Belgium an listen the game at the radio
driving in a splitty.............
2 days - 1200km - no problems -Volkswagen!

just in time we arrived at home after a 16 hour road trip for a concert were i fineshed a gread day with a few cold beers.......

Sunday morning the lucky new owner with their vintage camper

Gundi take care of your new Bus!
Her husband said he needs a sticker:
its better Woman take the Bus :-)